In 2011 we decided to consolidate some of our Tuesday carnival/meme community events. We stuck with What’s on Your Nightstand, because this fourth-Tuesday event has been the most popular, but we decided to ditch the others, and added in the Cybils KidLit Challenge as a substitute for the other children’s reading carnivals.
But we missed Kids’ Picks. We missed it a lot, and we hope some of you did too. Even if you don’t participate this month (but I hope you’ll slap something up to celebrate with us), let us know in the comments if you are happy that Kids’ Picks is back. We’ll keep it in this spot — the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
If you are new to Kids’ Picks, it’s basically an opportunity to share the books that your kids are raving about this month. They might be totally low-brow, brainless, and silly — and that’s okay! On the other hand, if you suggested a more high-brow book and it was a big hit, we want to know that too.
It’s actually a good fit with the Cybils KidLit Challenge, because if you are an adult reading these books, part of the intention of the Cybils is that they are supposed to have high kid appeal.
The idea, as always, is the same. We want to encourage you and your family to read. Hearing what “real live” kids are reading and enjoying is a great resource. I also find that it gives me a great reason to connect with my kids. I know what they’re reading, but to take a moment or two to find out what they like and why they like it is awesome.
When you link up, if you’re doing Kids’ Picks, please let us know your children’s ages, or if you are linking a Cybils review, tell us that as well. For example, I could either link up as “Jennifer, Snapshot (ages 12 and 6)” or “Jennifer, Snapshot (Cybils Poetry)” or whatever. . . . .