You may have been wondering why all the fuss about Harry Potter. I wrote two posts this week (one on why I chose to read the series and introduce it to my daughter and another one on our first experience with the movie), but it’s not like there’s a new book out, or even a new movie, right?
Well, this year marks the tenth anniversary of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. At 5 Minutes for Mom, we are giving away one grand prize of the entire set in hardback and the special anniversary edition of the Sorcerer’s Stone. Four runners up will also receive the special anniversary edition. So, head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom and enter. The contest is open through October 6.
I also wanted to reveal the buttons for our two new carnivals, and remind you about the details.
Kids’ Picks will launch this Tuesday, September 16, and will take place the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Our button was designed by Krista at Welcome to Married Life. I mentioned that I would plug someone’s blog or business if I selected their button, so I did want to let you know that Krista is a Discovery Toys consultant.
Join us and tell us what your kids would recommend this month. It could be a book that you found at the library that your two-year-old can’t get enough of. It could be the hot new chapter book that your elementary student has read, or a book that your young niece can’t stop talking about.
When we have a fifth Tuesday, as we do this month, we will have the I Read It! carnival. Write up your reviews of books that you tried after you read our reviews.
This fun button was designed by Dawn of Barefoot Blog Designs who blogs at My Home Sweet Home.
Just like we say every week, we’ll see you Tuesday!