I meant to — I really did.
When the Classics Bookclub went to once a quarter, I set a goal of one classic per quarter. Not too hard. I was reading Gulliver’s Travels on my very fun new 100 Classics Books program on my Nintendo DSiXL. I read it some on my vacation in June/July. I read some more when I got home. Then I sort of got caught up in other things.
I was going to finish it up while we were away visiting family for 4 days. In fact, I got in lots of reading, finishing up a book or two. I brought the 100 Classics Books cartridge, but guess what? I forgot my DS — that’s what. ARGH!
The story was okay. Not great, but okay, but as I was reading, I also remembered that I have read it before, which sort of defeats my purpose of reading some books I haven’t read or didn’t appreciate in high school. So I think I’m going to let good old Jonathan Swift go.
I’m thinking Jane Austen. Next quarter. Seriously.
What about you? Have you met your goal for the quarter? Or would you like, like me, to post a resolution to get back on board?
Link up any reviews of Classic books that you have posted on your blog since our last Classics Bookclub post at the end of June. To link up a review or two (That’s it! Two! I’ll post two reviews next time.) when we next “meet” on November 29, for the last time in 2010.
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Jennifer, we’re in the same boat! I also started Alice in Wonderland and didn’t finish it, so I have no classics for this quarter. I am planning on two for next time!
I did meet my goal for this quarter. I am having trouble deciding what to do next, though!
Maybe you’ll get some ideas from others this month!
I just can’t get through Gulliver. I’m just over halfway, but it’s so hard. The long sentences, the antiquated language (and yes I do realize it was written over 300 years ago), the lack of any real plot… I’m on the verge of just letting it go. It shouldn’t take this long to get through one book.
I would have finished it if I had remembered my DS — I think. However, I just feel as if the moment has passed. Who knows, maybe I’ll pick it up again.
I do want to see the movie Jack Black is doing this Christmas — it’s sort of a current take, and looks interesting.
I did OK this time, I think. I also just finished reading Pride and Prejudice for probably the 50th time; I don’t know how much that counts. 🙂
I’ve decided to systematize myself and try to go through the 10-year plan of the Britannica Great Books–I figure it’s better than not doing anything. So I’m wading through bits of the Republic.
A system is great! I think that’s part of the problem.
And yes, 50 times counts LOL.
I’m looking forward to watching P&P with my daughter next week when my husband’s out of town. A first for her — I think it will make the language easier for her when she does read it.
That’s what sparked my reading it this time–my 10yo daughter wanted to watch the movie (Colin Firth one). We had to stop and explain a lot, but she enjoyed it and wants to see it again. 🙂
Great to hear! My daughter turns 12 in a week, so I’m glad yours liked it!!
Stay tuned later this month for my review (and hopefully giveaway) of Pies & Prejudice (Mother Daughter Book Club), the 4th book in a series I love, which comes out in a couple of weeks.
That’s why I’m familiarizing my daughter with the story (and we’re doing Colin Firth too, even though it’s longer, and maybe not as current as Keira Knightly, I like it better!!).
How funny, there were a bunch of us who read To Kill a Mockingbird this time around! 🙂