Hello. My name is Lisa and I entertain, when I entertain, reluctantly. In other words, hospitality does not come easily to me. I lack motivation, not to mention organization. Is there help for someone like me?
Oh yes, indeed there is. It is to hesitant hostesses like myself that Sandy Coughlin writes her new book, aptly named The Reluctant Entertainer: Every Woman’s Guide to Simple and Gracious Hospitality. From the get go, Sandy offers gentle encouragement and inspiration to those of us who struggle with inadequacy and unrealistic expectations in the entertaining department. It’s Real Entertaining for Real People (coincidentally the title of the first chapter). Other topics included are: Overcoming the Pitfalls of Perfectionism, Simplifying Entertaining, Discovering Your Inner Martha, and The Heart of Hospitality: Conversation (all chapter titles). Sandy shares some of her favorite recipes as well as gorgeous photography from her own home.
Sandy writes with a contagious joy. It is obvious she loves serving others by opening her home. The real strength of the book is that it is both practical and motivating. She offers helpful tips like how to stock your pantry with basic entertaining essentials yet ultimately her purpose is to highlight the connection with people that hospitality fosters. It’s not about being perfect or spending a lot of money. Entertaining is not even all about the food. It’s about building relationships, a point Sandy emphasizes throughout the book.
The Reluctant Entertainer is a helpful resource for any woman, however reluctantly she may view entertaining. I for one greatly appreciate Sandy’s encouragement!
Wife and mother, Bible teacher and blogger, Lisa loves Jesus, coffee, dark chocolate and, of course, books. Read more of her reflections at Lisa writes…. Lisa thanks Bethany House publishers for providing the review copy of The Reluctant Entertainer!
Nancy says
I do enjoy entertaining but don’t do it nearly enough. Sounds like a great book.
Jennifer (5 Minutes for Books) says
This does sound like a great book. I enjoy it, and am pretty laid back about it, but the busyness of life prevents me from doing more of it. Oh, and I’m lazy. That too.
Violet says
I am not necessarily a reluctant entertainer but I am not too enthusiastic either. This book might help me too. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Alyce says
I would definitely fall into the category of reluctant entertainer. Our house is like our retreat from the world, so when we “entertain” we usually take people out for dinner or ask them to go out and do an activity with us. 🙂