Attention: Mailbox Monday is on the move! For the month of August Chick Loves Lit will be hosting, so be sure to check in over there. We’ve had such a fun time with this meme. We’ve “met” some new book bloggers this way, and we love this opportunity to get our current readers’ thoughts on what’s to come.
- In This Way I Was Saved: A Novel by Brian DeLeeuw appealed to me because he’s a young first time novelist and it is supposed to have a strong voice. I think it’s a little heavy, but I do generally love young first time novelists (see Finny — Okay, okay, I’ll stop mentioning it, if you’ll just read it already) and House of Tomorrow).
- I downloaded some great titles on my Kindle for my tween, Amanda, that I found on the free list this week. They are all Christian YA series, and I can’t wait for her to check them out. The books offered free on the Kindle are one of my strongest arguments for buying a Kindle.
- Katy’s New World by Kim Vogel Sawyer — I actually want to read this one myself. It’s about a Mennonite girl who enters public high school.
- Melody Carlon’s first two books in the Carter House Girls series, Mixed Bags and Stealing Bradford.
- Nancy Rue’s Lucy Doesn’t Wear Pink and Lucy’s Perfect Summer
Kyle, 6, thought that Belly Up was for him. He loved the cover, and I do think that it’s the kind of novel that will appeal to him when he’s older, combining a mystery with some solid hippo facts, but Amanda, 11, is more likely to read it now (after I do).
- Another awesome book for boys that I’ve already peeked into is a collection edited by Jon Scieszka, Guys Read: Funny Business.
I’m happy to report my first set of books to review:
Georgia’s Kitchen by Jenny Nelson – I dove into this book about a NYC chef as soon as it arrived. Review will be posted soon.
- Wild Soccer Bunch – this series is wildly popular internationally and has now arrived in the US with the first English language installment, Kevin the Star Striker. With the fall soccer season closing in on us, I look forward to reading this with my own soccer star.
- Stay by Allie Larkin – A woman adopts what she thinks is a German shepherd puppy off the internet, but when the dog arrives it turns out to be an enormous Slovakian police dog, who she names Joe. Dealing with Joe helps take her mind off her love life problems and as expected, helps her meet someone new. I’m a big dog lover and looking forward to what sounds like a fun read.
It was a slow week, but two books in the mail is always better than none! My nightstand post from the other day actually included these titles already, because my summer reading craze has knocked my pile down very low, so I’m predicting that these books won’t take too long to go from doorstep to final review.
One that arrived this week but already has a bookmark firmly secured a few chapters in is Sarah Pekkanen’s The Opposite of Me. A story of life changes and personal transformation? Exactly my style.
- Maybe This Time by Jennifer Crusie sounds like it will be a mysterious but fun read, complete with kids in need of adult love and care and an old house in need of an exorcism! Can’t say that I’ve read anything like that lately.
- I am so excited about receiving Steven James’ newest thriller featuring Patrick Bowers, The Bishop! I’ve read (and completely enjoyed) the first three novels in the series The Bowers Files and I canNOT wait to begin this one!
We here at 5 Minutes for Books love to hear your thoughts on what we are reading, and what book reviews to come might be of interest to you, so please let us know in the comments.
Each Tuesday we have a different meme that you join in, from Kids’ Picks to What’s on Your Nightstand, to a Children’s Classics challenge. Join Us!
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I’ve never heard of these.
Here is mine
I read Georgia’s Kitchen – review will be up tomorrow. I’ll just say I craved Italian food for a while after reading it 🙂
Oh me too! Especially the insalata caprese – mozzarella and tomato is one of my favorite dishes. Yum.
Interesting set of books!
Mondays: Mailbox/Whereabouts/Musings!
Belly Up looks so cute. My daughter would have loved that one when she was little. She had a thing for hippos. Don’t ask me why- our house was inundated with penguin paraphanalia. Have a good week and happy reading!
My daughter got to it before I did, and she really enjoyed it.
Lots of great books! I loved The Opposite of Me. Happy reading, everyone!
I’m almost finished with it, in fact I hope the kids will give me a solid 30 minute break at some point today so I can get to the end! I’m enjoying it better in the second half.
Happy reading…looks like some good books. I’m a sucker for books with dogs on the covers.
Lisa, I just finished The Knight, and will start The Bishop today! Talk about Page-turning suspense!!
Nice catch on Bishop! Hope you like it. My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.
Guys Read looks great! Definitely will be added to the TBR pile for my son.
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your link! I really want to read Opposite of Me, too.
Happy Monday!
You all got some great things this week…I have read two of Jennifer Cruise’s previous things..Bet Me and Tell Me Lies…it was some time ago, but I remember liking them…
Stay also sounds appealing to me, as our house is ruled by our dog (okay, maybe in his mind only, but still).
Enjoy your week reading 🙂
I finally HAVE had a good week of reading, thanks to a relaxing vacation (as opposed to a super busy summer!). Yay!
Enjoy your books. I’m a day late in making the rounds. Here’s what I received.