Welcome — Ultimate Blog Party-hoppers — to 5 Minutes for Books! Regular readers — you might find out something new too, so I hope you read and comment.
We are a sister site to 5 Minutes for Mom, and we have a wonderful team of reviewers who each have a different favorite type of book. That means we can offer all sorts of reviews, hopefully providing you with recommendations on the type of book YOU are looking for:
Books for Babies
Books for Preschoolers
Books for School-aged kids
Books for Tweens and Teens
You can browse all of these categories by using the Category menu on the left hand side. If you are looking for a review about a specific book, search by title using the awesome Lijit search box on the right side of the NavBar.
The best of the best is listed on our 5 Star Reviews page.
Every Tuesday we host a different way for you to Join In our community events/carnivals. Right now we are also having a Fireworks over Toccoa bookclub
In addition to doing a review and giveaway every Monday on 5 Minutes for Mom in our 5 Minutes for Books column, we do book giveaways at least twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and oftentimes we throw in a few extras. Right now, we have several giveaways open from the Magic School Bus, a poetry book for tweens and teens, to Fireworks over Toccoa audiobook to a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Check out (and enter!) all of our current giveaways now!
Thanks for stopping by. Leave us a comment telling us what types of book reviews most interest you, whether is the genre you like to read or the ages of your children for whom you are always looking for a good read.
Check out our current giveaways. Subscribe to our feed. Follow us @5M4B on Twitter.
yonca says
Hi Jennifer! Nice to meet you. I’m loving to meet new bloggers. Hope to see you at my place:) Happy 2010 UBP!!1
Gertha Cook says
Viewing your site and enjoying the UBP:-).
Great Blog!! I am subscribing.
Kristen says
Thanks for letting me party! Great blog! Came here via UBP!
Angelica says
My daughter loves reading! I will be sure to visit again! Happy UBP week!
jamiedelight says
I am always looking for toddler books for my triplets and for myself I love fiction, especially Chic Lit
The Gaertegang says
Hello from the UBP! I love to read when I can steal away a few minutes. I have four kiddos, two that are old enough to read on their own…..we all love books. We laugh because we say we have a book sickness. We can never have enough!
Crystal's Cozy Kitchen says
I love the name of your blog!! Taking time to read is so important. Stopping over from UBP…
Diane says
Nice to meet you. I am UBP 2.160 – This whole idea is great! It makes it easier to find people with common interests. I read a ton of fiction. Mostly thrillers and mystery. I’m glad to have found your blog. Thanks for being here 🙂
Dawn says
Hi there! Dropping by via the UBP. Looking forward to “following” you!
Misty says
Dropping in from UBP! I am interested in book reviews for children’s books ages 5-9, boys and girls. Also, we like fiction. My husband and I like sci-fi, fantasy and ethical dramas.
barb says
I love cookbooks! I’m dropping by from TUBP10!
Tracey C. says
I love mystery/crime novels but haven’t read many lately. I have 3 daughters under age 11, so we do lots of chapter books right now!! Love reviews on good clean book fun for ages 8-12. Stopping by on blog party, interesting site!
Amy says
This is a great site. I’ve been meaning to click on the UBP link all week to see what this blog was about…I love it! I love to read. I love fiction & non-fiction equally. I just finished a Jodi Picoult book and now I’m delving into books about hypothyroidism & books about gluten…so I don’t really have one reading style. I’m looking forward to keepin up with your reviews, etc.
Holly says
Stopping by from UBP. I am so glad I found this site. I love reading fiction – mostly chic lit.
Theresa says
I am a book lover too and haven’t even had a chance to look around here yet. The week has gone so fast that I am trying to get more of my blog visits in tonight before the UBP is over tomorrow.
Thank for promoting books and reading!
Eileen says
Hello! Stopping by from the UBP. I love books. I am also aspiring to write books (well stories mostly, but eventually I’ll get to books.) Please check out my blog for tales of my writing exploits, as well as tales of my mommy exploits. My favorite books to read are mostly the same type that I write–science fiction–although I’ll read just about anything that I feel is good. I’m also now looking for good books for my 18-month-old, who is showing a great cognitive leap right now and loves books!
Sarah N says
I found your site through the UBP and I’m so glad that I found out about it! I LOVE books and my little one does too! Can’t wait to browse around more and read the recommendations!
annulla says
Just popped in from the UBP. I am a voracious reader and have books in every room. Most of my reading is nonfiction; I particularly enjoy history, memoirs and travel writing.
Marilyn Bohn says
It is so great to get a new friend. The UBP has been a great way to connect! I am the mother of 5 grown daughters and I am an avid quilter and a professional organizer helping women get rid of clutter in their homes and lives.
I look forward to connecting with you.