The Cybils are underway! Nominations are open now for books for children (and young adults) published between October 16, 2012 and October 15, 2013. I encourage you to nominate a book that you or your child loved. The “biggies” are always out there, but the glory about this is that every book is given a fair shake.
Dawn and I are both pleased to be serving in Round I this year. Our busy schedules caused both of us to request round 2 last year, and we both missed the big challenge of narrowing over 100 nominees to a shortlist of finalists. So for the next 2 1/2 months, she and I will be spending a lot of time at our libraries and on their websites, creating holds, picking up holds, reading books, returning books, and hopefully writing up some reviews to share with y’all what we have enjoyed!
See below for the wonderful kidlit lovers with whom we will be working.
The kidlit blogging community is amazing. When I first entered the blogosphere back in 2006, I was drawn to others like me who loved books. Early on, I found Jen Robinson online, and through her, I entered the world of kidlit fanatics. I was privileged to serve in the very first Cybils awards, and have served several years since then.
Book bloggers are awesome in general, and kidlit bloggers have been nothing but warm and welcoming. I’ve been eyeing the fun at the Kidlit Con the last few years. The opportunity to learn to be a better blogger and reviewer, and hang out with warm wonderful people who love books, and in particular encouraging kids to read– it’s compelling. When I found out it was only a few hours away from me this year — in Austin, Texas November 8 and 9, I knew that this was my year to give it a try.
So, I’m officially registered for KidLit Con 2013! I’m thrilled to meet people I’ve connected with online via twitter, blogs, and the Cybils, and I know I’ll meet some new lovely folks as well.
Fiction Picture Books
Round 1
Laura Given, LibLaura
Dawn Mooney, Five Minutes for Books
Carol Munro, Just Write Words
Jodell Sadler, Picture Book Lunch
Caryn Schafer, Three Books a Night
Melissa Wiley, Here in the Bonny Glen
Paula Wiley, Pink Me
Round 2
Jane Breen, Piper Loves the Library
Maria Burel, Once Upon a Story
Myra Garces-Bacsal, Gathering Books
Tess Goldwasser, Kid’s Book Blog
Kerry Millar, Shelf Elf
Middle Grade Fiction
First Round
Mark Buxton
Jennifer Donovan
Heidi Grange
Deb Marshall
Jennifer Rumberger
Julie Williams
Karen Yingling
Second Round
Alex Baugh
Kathy Burnette
Melissa Gaynor
Michael Gettel-Gilmartin
Kyle Kimmal
So excited to watch the nominated titles piling up! And yes, you’ve got it right about the library holds. I think my local librarians will be so happy that this year, they’ve finally gone to self-service on picking up and checking out holds. No more showing up at the desk and mumbling, “I need to pick up some holds. There are about 85 of them.” 🙂
Yeah, my organizer said that she gives the workers at the desk candy 🙂 Mine here is self-serve as well. They put them out alphabetically, and I just grab them.
Fascinating! I’m looking forward to your reviews of these books.
What a cool award program! There are so many great kid books out there! Can’t wait until my little guy is big enough to appreciate them 🙂