Although Cecil Murphey has written over 125 books, I had not heard of him before I requested a review copy of his recent book, Making Sense When Life Doesn’t: The Secrets of Thriving in Tough Times. I was quickly drawn in, however, by his warm voice and down-to-earth writing style. He illustrates his points with many interesting stories from his years of mission work and pastoring, as well as a number of fascinating examples from his career as a writer, making the book very readable as well as inspirational. Also, the short chapters are ideal for a busy mom who is lucky to get even 5 minutes to focus on something outside of her daily routine.
Things happen to all of us in life that we cannot control, and sometimes we make things happen by our own choices. Change is inevitable, but it is not always easy to navigate. Click over to 5 Minutes for Mom to read my full review and enter to win a copy of this delightful book for yourself.
irene says
sounds like an excellent read. I haven’ heard of this author either.