My kids’ summer is about halfway over, and the second half of our library’s summer reading program started yesterday. My rising fourth-grader has already completed his reading list and is now working on the bonus minutes, which will result in donations to a local raptor program.
During the school year most of their reading material comes either from their school library, or my diligent research into books appropriate for their reading levels, new releases or just browsing the stacks. This summer we’ve made semi-monthly trips to the library for the boys to pick out their own books and I’ve been teaching the older one how to locate books in the fiction section, as well as how to request books that are not available using the computer. We also can’t resist stopping at the table in the foyer to place a few pieces in the puzzles that are always available.
For more specifics on the books the boys have picked out, I linked to my own Kids’ Picks post below. We love to hear what other kids are reading so please link up your own post, or leave a comment. Please link directly to your blog post, and include your children’s ages for ease in visiting.
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Jessica says
It’s a highlight of Maisy Big, Maisy Small – my daughter’s favorite book right now!
Rachel says
I just found this linkup through a Swagbucks search. I’ve linked my critique of Babar, which I am currently reading to my sons.