I’m amazed that each month there seems to be at least one new participant to What’s on Your Nightstand. I know that it’s because booklovers are drawn to other booklovers, and as you post each month, others catch the fire! If this is your first time, please add that beside your name in the linky so that we can be sure to give you some extra comment love to give you a warm welcome.
I thought that this would be a good time to revisit the purpose of this monthly meme that we host on the 4th Tuesday of each month.
The idea is to give us an idea of what is on your nightstand — meaning, what book(s) are you reading, did you just finish, or do you plan to read for the month. Your nightstand might be a stack under your bed, a nicely organized bookshelf, a library basket or even neatly digitally stored in your ereader of choice. No matter.
You can share a picture of your stack, a list of titles, or even some thoughts about what drew you to the titles on your list.
You write a post (or leave a comment if you are blogless) and link it directly to that post (not your homepage). Then we hope that you’ll visit around to see what others are reading as well.
It’s a fun week of the month. We all enjoy hearing how much you enjoy it. Thanks for participating so faithfully over the years.
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I was shocked when I saw how many books I have read this month – definitely enjoying myself this fall!
Still love this one so much! Glad you’re still hosting!
That is true. I always enjoy reading lists. This is my favorite meme and I have to say that it has helped me accomplish my goals as I enjoy adding to my post draft as the month goes along.
I can’t believe it is already time for October’s what’s on my nightstand! Where has this month gone?
I enjoy this meme! Thank you for doing it. 🙂
What an exciting meme. It’s the first I’m actually interested in doing regularly.
So glad to hear that!
I’ve recently discovered the world of book blogs and it’s the first time I post here.
It’s a very nice meme 🙂
I just realized it’s not the 25th, but the 26th. I don’t know why I thought it was Tuesday…
A day late but still some great reads.
Hello Jennifer,
I’m not new but it has been a while since I’ve done a post and linked. I did my post a head of time and scheduled it for Wednesday. I was on a road trip and didn’t get to link up until today. Thanks for hosting.
Mama Bear
I have PG Wodehouse’s “Joy in the morning” and Peter Lynch’s “Beating the street” on my nightstand. A perfect combination of comfort reading and heavy reading
Currently reading Cooter Farm by Mathew Jones