Surely the role of women in the church is among the most explosive topics in Christendom today. Churches all over our nation are struggling with the issues of women in leadership, the validity of women pastors, and whether a woman is able to teach and whom. Does the Bible have anything to say about these questions? How do we know which of the biblical imperatives are cultural, just for the first century women, and which apply to those of us in the 21st? Are those who say a woman ought not teach men merely chauvinistic? Aren’t they implying women are inferior?
In his book, God’s High Calling For Women, Dr. John MacArhtur seeks to address these questions and more as he examines what the Bible has to say in 1 Timothy 2:9-15. If you know anything about Dr. MacArthur you know of his refusal to bow to cultural correctness and his adherence to the Bible’s truth.
No doubt some disagree with his stance. Yet Dr. MacArthur’s position is clear and I believe his insights are a valuable addition to the conversation. God’s High Calling For Women is a short read, a mere 87 pages, a concise defense of the noble calling of Biblical womanhood.
Wife and mother, Bible teacher and blogger, Lisa loves Jesus, coffee, dark chocolate and, of course, books. Read more of her reflections at Lisa writes….
Oooo, I bet that’s amazing! I love MacArthur’s books and ministry; he’s just so concisely theological, and a terrific teacher to boot! You should try his The Truth War. It’s incredible.