“This is the story of your life; you decide how the rest is going to read. . . . This is the story of your life, and it’s worth telling” (from the title song).
Sharing our story with someone or listening to others’ stories bolsters us, gives us courage, gives us hope.
For his newest project Story of Your Life singer/songwriter Matthew West asked his listeners to submit their stories.
This is not your legacy. This is not your destiny. Yesterday does not define you.
–Family Tree
The 10 songs on the CD are inspired by the 10,000 stories he received. You will hear your story or the story that you are fortunate you haven’t been asked to tell on this CD.
All I want is the way it was when love would always last forever, and families stayed together, back to the day before two houses.
–Two Houses
“Reason for the World” explains earthly suffering from a Biblical perspective as well as I’ve seen it addressed anywhere.
This CD is all I’ve come to expect from Matthew West — an awesome sound and soulful, grace-filled lyrics, but it’s very musically diverse as well. “My Own Little World” has that Matthew West/Toby Mac sort of sound that I think he’s most associated with. “Healing Has Begun” has a little different bluesy classic rock sort of sound, and “Two Houses,” well, it’s just awesome — the music and the words.
Every single time somebody reaches into the darkness, makes a choice to help the helpless, they let mercy save a life.
–One Less (broken heart in the world tonight)
Since our Audrey Assad CD giveaway was a hit, I’m pleased to be able to offer you another one.
One of you will win all FOUR of Matthew West’s CDs and a special book with the stories behind the songs and Matthew’s commentary. He’s one of my favorite Christian artists, and if you haven’t listened to anything beyond his radio singles, you are in for a treat. Maybe you are already a fan, but haven’t heard some of his older work. Or maybe you’re like me, and you have all of them, but didn’t realize a new one was out. How fun for you to be able to win the newest one, and share the backlist with someone else.
I wrote up why I love Matthew West’s music (and linked to the other CDs as well) over at my blog Snapshot when his last CD came out. You can read about Going Through the Motions if you’d like more info.
Just leave a comment if you’d like to win (U.S. shipping addresses only). I’ll announce the winner of this awesome prize pack from EMI music on October 20. This giveaway is closed!
Check out our current giveaways, subscribe to our feed, and/or follow us @5M4B on Twitter.
Read about the everyday story of Jennifer’s life at Snapshot.
I could use some new music and I’ve been hearing about this guy more and more lately…
#1 can win, right? 🙂
It just happened a week or so ago — so yes!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to win this CD….
I didn’t even know he had more than two cds. I have Something to Say but haven’t heard any of his older songs.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I really REALLY love Happy, his first CD, and it and History (number 2) are only 6.99 at amazon — CD or MP3 download. If you don’t win, you should get them!
great package.
I think this new album is going to be amazing!
It is. I’m loving it. If you liked Something to Say, you will LOVE this one.
What a great giveaway Jennifer…
Love your sites. You always bring a smile.
Onward! Forward! It’s Friday…I can do this. Tomorrow after all, is Saturday.
Take extra good care,
What a nice thing to say. You put a smile on MY face. Thanks!
Definitely curious. I’d heard about this project and would be very interested to hear it!
Matthew West is a huge inspiration to so many! I have several mp3 songs, but would love to have his collection!
I just heard an interview with him on the radio this week. They were talking to him and one of the people that wrote to him. Then they played the song that the letter inspired. I don’t remember what it was called. I would love to hear the rest of them.
I think he is avery talented musician. I would love an opportunity to win these goodies. Please enter me.
Sounds cool – great giveaway!
I like his music and would love to win this giveaway.
I would like to win this…..I don’t have any of his CD’s in my Christian collection.
I would love to have this collection! Matthew west in such an inspirational singer!!
Oooh, great giveaway! I really like Matthew West! 🙂
Sounds like a great idea for a CD – sign me up!
I like matthew west too. He sometimes will be on KSBJ – radio station based out of Houston, TX. I enjoy listening to him.
What a great prize pack – I’d love it!
You won Jessica! Please reply to the email notification with your shipping info.
I’d love to win thisbgcchs(at)yahoo(dot)com. Thanks for the possibility.
I am a high school English teacher for an inner-city school. When I heard that Matthew West was putting together an album comprising of the vulnerable stories that mirror those of my students, I became extremely excited about the possibility of using these songs/stories in the classroom. I hope to use them to help the students write their own stories. In about a month we will starting writing our own personal narratives. Maybe my students will be inspired by the writing style of Matthew West, as well as encouraged by his message.
I look forward to the possibility of winning this CD, and the full stories and commentary in the book. Thank you!
Yes – he is amazing – what a great testimony!!
Would LOVE to win!! Thanks!
What a wonderful prize pack. Matthew West is an amazing Christian artist. I would love to win this prize pack. Thanks for the opportunity.
I’m intrigued. I know I’ve heard a few of his songs on the radio and I’d love to win this pack.
How wonderful and truly awarding and inspirational it would be to win the CD’s and book. I would enjoy each tremendously.
please count me in…thanks 🙂
Definitely would love to win this.
[email protected]
I need some good new music!
[email protected]
I would like to win
Always looking for new and exciting books to read
I love Matthew West. “My own little world” is running through my head as I type
Sounds interesting. What a great idea he’s had. I don’t have any of his stuff…yet 😉
I would love to add his cd’s to my christian music collection.
[email protected]
I’d love to win this. I’ve not got a lot of extra spending money, but I have bought a couple downloads of his songs. . . They are fantastic.
I’d like to win!
I love listening to Christian music and Matthew West is fantastic.
I’d love to hear this.
Thanks for the giveaway! I’d love to win!
count me in! thanks!
Yes, I would love to win!
Would love to win this book.
I would love to win this!!
Thank you for the awesome giveaway please count me in 🙂
i would love to win!
This sounds great, thanks for the chance.
I love Matthew West! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to win this, thanks for the chance!
Mathew West is one of my favorite Singers also! I have just been listening to COntemporary Christian music for about a year now, and he was one of the first singers I started listening to!
This would be an amazingly wonderful win and I am needing inspiration in droves these days so thanks for the chance at this.