I was very excited to read Daniel Yarosh, Ph.D.’s The New Science of Perfect Skin. Yarosh is a scientist who has extensive experience in the field of skin care and specifically DNA repair.
According to Yarosh, we are entering what he calls the New Skin-Care Revolution. Products are being created and introduced onto the market that have the ability to actually re-program the skin at a cellular level based on new findings about the human DNA code. This has the potential to be HUGE in the fight against aging. That also means that it is more confusing than ever before to know which products work and which don’t. But in this book, Yarosh sets out to help the reader decipher the lingo and learn how to read labels intelligently so we know what we are getting in skincare products.
I have to admit, sometimes my eyes glazed over as I tried to decipher the science speak, but mostly it was an interesting read. I appreciated the perspective of a scientist over a beauty professional. He explains what works and what doesn’t and WHY, and he even goes so far as to make specific product suggestions at the end of each section.
I wish I could tell you that it wasn’t at all overwhelming, but it was. I think if I took the time to go back and re-read the book, I would find myself much more informed than overwhelmed. It was just a lot of information to digest at once. He definitely tries to reduce the stress of too much information by providing a summary at the end of each section under the subtitle, “The Bottom Line”. This was supremely helpful.
Part One is a skin primer explaining how DNA controls the way we age and what can be done about it. Part Two is all about packaging and ingredients and how to read labels to cut through the hype. Part Three is about the New Skin-Care Revolution products that you need and those that you don’t. And Part Four is about how to take care of your skin and how to use the skin-care products available so your skin will look its best.
I intend to go back and try out some of the products he suggests. If I find anything I like, I will be sure to write it up on my beauty product review blog, Chic Critique. (Please pardon the shameless plug!)
The New Science of Perfect Skin is an interesting read and perhaps a good resource. Only time will tell on the latter part.
Jo-Lynne blogs daily at Musings of a Housewife, and she runs a beauty product review blog, Chic Critique
Jennifer, Snapshot says
Okay, I’ll take a look at you in 5 years and we’ll see if you’ve found the fountain of youth or not.
Pol14 says
Today was one of those days however. ,
Pol96 says
See how he broods in Black and White? ,