My son read the first three novels in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight saga a few months ago, and I have to admit, I was somewhat skeptical. One, the book jacket described the series with words like “deeply seductive” and “vampires thirsting for blood”–could this really be appropriate for my teenager? And two, did I mention vampires? I mean, fantasy or science fiction or whatever genre vampires and werewolves belong to–it’s not really my preference.
So I was skeptical, that is until I read Meyer’s novel The Host based on Jennifer’s recommendation at 5 Minutes for Mom, and I was both surprised and intrigued. My friend offered to let me borrow the Twilight novels–Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse–and now just five days later I can tell you all skepticism has vanished. Let’s put it this way: three books, five days. You do the math.
Pick your adjective: compelling, suspenseful, intriguing, fascinating, enthralling, surprising, inventive. Oh yeah, don’t forget enjoyable, immensely enjoyable. Add some vampires, werewolves, a few battle scenes and a healthy dose of romance and you have a taste of the Twilight saga’s appeal.
Meyers tells the story of seventeen-year-old Bella Swan who moves to Forks, Washington to live with her father, Charlie. She meets a mysterious classmate, Edward, and despite discovering he is a vampire, a “vegetarian” vampire who only drinks the blood of animals and not humans, she falls deeply in love and Edward becomes her life. Bella and Edward’s story quickly becomes intertwined with dangerous vampires intent on taking Bella’s life, not to mention werewolves with a long history of enmity with “the cold ones,” i.e. vampires. Bella finds herself caught between her all consuming love for Edward and the steady, subtle love of her best friend and protector Jacob.
One word of warning: this series is intended for teenagers (and adults) and there are battle scenes though no gratuitous descriptions. Despite the subject matter (vampires), their necessary nourishment (blood) did not result in the kind of gore I expected. There is a lot of kissing and at one point, Bella wants to consummate her relationship with Edward, though again there is no overly detailed account. It is worth noting that Edward refuses her, wanting to wait until they are married.
The fourth book in the series, Breaking Dawn*, releases August 2 and I am eagerly anticipating the final installment of Bella’s story. I certainly know what I hope Bella’s fate will be, though I am equally certain there are many more surprises and twists ahead!
(edited to add the link to Lisa’s Breaking Dawn review)
Wife and mother, Bible teacher and blogger, Lisa loves Jesus, coffee, dark chocolate and, of course, books. Read more of her reflections at Lisa writes….
Jennifer (5 Minutes for Books) says
Thanks Lisa. After hearing so much about the Twilight books, I knew I wanted to read them sometime, but after reading The Host, that really firmed it up in my mind as well.
I will definitely be checking them out sometime.
brandiandboys says
i love this series. i have a group of about 10 moms in their 30s who have all read them and love them.
we’ve already planned a girl’s night when the movie comes out in december…. maybe we need to get matching “team edward” t-shirts! 🙂
CPA Mom says
I read Twilight last weekend in just a few hours. Now I’m going to buy the rest. AWESOME! Addictive like the Diana Giabaldon series.
photobug mom says
Funny you mentioned about this book. I tumble over it at a bookstore a couple days ago. I was wondering why an adult fiction will be sitting in the Junior/children section. It turned it’s for teenagers. I myself got curious about it. Maybe I’ll read it sometime in the future.
Michele says
I really loved this series! And I also really enjoyed The Host. I cannot wait to get my copy of Breaking Dawn this weekend…I had pre-ordered it months ago. Also did you know that they are turning Twilight into a movie that comes out in December?
Thanks for the great review!
Carrie (Reading to Know) says
Huh. A girl I met yesterday was telling me about this series and how much she loved them. I didn’t really know anything about them. Walla! Your review! I feel much more informed. I can’t say vampires are my choice of subject matter but it sounds like these books are gaining in popularity. Thanks for your review! It was helpful.
Jennifer says
I reviewed Twilight and New Moon this week on my blog. Your review sounds a lot like mine. Never would I have thought that I would like a vampire book!
For those folks who are not interested in vampire books — read the first book and see if you get hooked! 🙂
Katrina (Callapidder Days) says
Really glad to hear your thoughts on this series, Lisa. I’ve heard so many things about them but, like you, the subject matter and cover copy left me a bit leery. I’m happy to know that you liked them too… I’m sure I’ll be diving in before long.
TheAngelForever says
I too am a big fan of Stephenie Meyer. Never in a million years would I have thought about reading books about vampires. Then last summer when I was nursing my infant the blogosphere was constantly talking about Twilight. I eventually got my hands on the first three books and quickly read them. I was in love with the author’s style of writing and how she actively engages the reader into the lives of the characters.
I am looking forward to reading the latest book (my friend is reading her copy and then I get to read it) of the series and hope to finish The Host eventually.
Framed says
I felt the same way before I read these books. Vampires?? Not for me. But I thoroughly enjoyed the first three and look forward to reading number four. I still haven’t read The Host yet but I need to.
Liz says
I resisted reading this series as well. I even read a few paragraphs from the last book…I wasn’t having any of it. Several friends from work and some moms from my son’s soccer were talking about it…I gave in…finished Twilight this morning (I usually read only during my commute but found myself reading last night and this morning.) Loved it. Cannot wait to read the others.
Tiffany Culver says
I started to read the series this year!!! I absulutally LOVE THEM!!!!!! I can not wait to read the others!!!!!
ally says
So one day i came to my school and my friend was talking about this book called twilight the book had been mentioned many times but it was abotu vampires and im not that type of girl in fact i freak about all those superstitual things.But on enight i decided to read twilight and started and abotu 5 hs later was done. It was so addicting I have to say this is the best series ive ever ead in my life its amzing i reccomend this to anyone trust me if u just read a couple chapters ull probably get hooked ! 😀