It’s summer, and that means our 5 Minutes for Books team is going hither and yon. But we are still posting regularly, and still here to find out What’s on Your Nightstand.
On the 4th Tuesday of each month, we invite you to tell us what’s coming up in your TBR stack or post a few mini reviews of books that you’ve just recently moved off your Nightstand.
I know that I’m hoping to get in some good summer down-time reading this month. How about you? Will you be reading more or less?
Check out our current giveaways. Subscribe to our feed. Follow us @5M4B on Twitter.
Link directly to your post telling us what’s on your Nightstand here. And don’t forget to visit around!
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Scribbler says
My book info is found on the sidebar to the left of the blog! I am reading The PostMistress by Sarah Blake.
monica says
ha! no I’m not still reading Female Nomad. My bad.