In the second installment of the Oona Crate Mystery series, Oona is back to being the Wizard’s apprentice while still running The Dark Street Detective Agency, although with few cases, and none meaningful, in the three months she’s been open. The Magician’s Tower instead presents Oona with a true challenge (Read my review of the first, The Wizard of Dark Street, here).
This second novel in the series by Shawn Thomas Odyssey focuses on a once every five years tournament held on Dark Street, a six mile stretch of road that keep the land of Faerie from the land of Man. While the Glass Gates keep Faerie permanently cut off, the Iron Gates open each night at midnight for one minute in New York. And the Glass Gates have a failure, as Oona has discovered that master criminal Red Martin has found a way to smuggle goods from Faerie and may be hiding there.
The tournament has been held for 500 years, since the gates went up to close Faerie from the rest of the world. Contestants are invited to take on various tasks, a physical and a mental challenge each day for five days. The first day, anyone is able to compete, but then begin eliminations. Only the top four make it to the second day, the top three to the third day and the top two to the last day. Oona is determined to be the first to win, but the night before the competition begins, Oona is called into a case where a punchbowl has been stolen from a gypsy in the park.
The punchbowl has the magical ability to answer any question put before it, and Oona wants to use it to ask about the death’s of her mother and sister and possible assuage the guilt she feels over having caused them. There are many clues available, and Oona chases them down while still competing in the tournament. She focuses less on the tournament than the clues, which puts her behind other contestants, but she manages to figure out enough with the help of her pet raven Deacon to remain in the competition.
Oddly, Isadora Iree, a snobby rich debutante type seems to be figuring out the clues far easier than she should. Roderick Rutherford, whose father is determined that he’ll win – or else – is also quickly taking the lead with each round. Oona is certain that one or both of them is cheating, but she can’t figure out how.
In a book filled with interesting characters, there is no lack of surprise in The Magician’s Tower. Although this is the second book in the series and the characters remain much the same from the last book, it is not necessary to have read the first to follow the second at all. The plots stand completely on their own, and basics are covered in the second book without being too detailed that it bores a reader who has read both books.
Oona doesn’t lack for suspects, and in the fun of the book, there are twists and turns to keep the pages turning. Some are a little more outlandish and surprising than others, but they work well in this book aimed at middle school students. My nine year old son enjoyed it, and he can’t wait for the next book to be published.
We have a copy of The Magician’s Tower for one of you. Just leave a comment below. We’ll announce the winner in our 5/15 giveaway column. The giveaway is closed.
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Michelle has her own physical and mental challenges to deal with every day, although there are fortunately no apes or flying carpets. See what keeps her hopping on her blog Honest & Truly! and follow along with her on Twitter where she is also @HonestAndTruly.
Anne says
A fascinating story which would be delightful.
Cindi says
My great-niece and I enjoy reading books together, when
she is here and visits…
Many thanks, Cindi
Rose says
I am always looking for interesting and engaging books to give my kids a love for reading. This looks like a good one. I’d like to read the first one in the series as well.
Lisa A. says
I think my daughter would love this! Especially the “outlandish” parts! Great review ~ makes me want to read it right now!
ellie says
An ideal book which I would read to my grandson.
Jennifer says
You won! Please reply to this email with your shipping info.
Chris says
My 4th grader was interested after reading your review – he’s going to read the first book now. : )
April Yedinak says
This sounds like something my son would love to read.
Staci A says
My eight year old would really enjoy this!