I wrote last year about how I had enjoyed keeping a reading journal. I started that one in the fall of 2008 after a friend gave it to me for my birthday. As the end of 2009 approached, the notebook that had finally helped me establish a habit of recording the books I was reading was filling up.
I knew that I wanted a new journal from the same Artisan Journal series from Peter Pauper Press for 2010.
I love these journals. They feel fantastic — like leather (although they are described as being leather-like). I especially love the cheery blue color of my new Filigree Journal.
Every year, Terry and I try to get away to Cape Cod around our anniversary. We enjoy staying at the Captain’s House Inn in Chatham. New England small towns are delightfully heavy on bookstores. This small town has not one, but two bookstores (a third closed a couple of summers ago). Since browsing bookstores is something we both enjoy and something that we can’t do in the way we like to do it when we are out as a family, we always stop into the Yellow Umbrella New and Used bookstore when we are walking Main Street.
I noticed that they carried Peter Pauper Press products (say that 5 times fast!), so I took this opportunity to support local business. I also bought Amanda and Kyle each a book, because that’s my kind of souvenir gift.
I’m happy to continue tracking the books I read for the year, and I think that this year I will keep track of the number of pages read as well, but more than that, I am glad that I was able to support an independent bookstore. I love buying books, and while most of the books I read are review copies sent by publishers, not all of them are. Since I buy fewer books for myself, I am more likely to purchase a book for someone else. I also give books as gifts frequently. But I usually go for the bargain. I know I can’t beat the prices (and free shipping) that amazon.com offers. I do support “real bookstores” when I can, but lower prices (and convenience) does make me buy more books, which supports writers and publishers.
Although we have contacts at Peter Pauper Press, I used my own cold hard cash to buy this, because I love the product. Amazon has a great price and is almost always my go-to for books, but this new journal has a better story than that, and that will make it even more special to me it moves from my nightstand to my cozy wingchair by the fire — on the top of the pile of books that I am enjoying at the moment.
Books and bookstores are among Jennifer’s very favorite things. Read more about what she loves at her blog Snapshot.
This is a great post and I liked it a lot.
Like yourself, I enjoy the free books one receives as a book reviewer. However, this year in particularly I’m doing more buying of books – ON PURPOSE! I’m buying for friends and for myself as well. I’m buying products from companies and publishers that I like and want to support. I think it’s important, as a book reviewer, to put our money where our mouth is, so to speak. After all, this is an industry we love and would like to see stick around! Money talks, as well as reviews and so I’m focused on making that a priority this year.
I love notebooks and journals. You’ll love reading it in years to come and will have forgotten half of it. I love that name, Yellow Umbrella for a bookstore. Sounds like you had a great time. It is nice to support the writers when you can. So they can keep writing says my son, who is willing to pay full price for a new hardcover he really wants. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
I cannot decide how to keep track of the books I’ve read. I tried on paper and on computer and both times I forget to write down when I finish a book and then have to try to remember the last 15 books.
I need something better but I don’t know what to try.
Although I’ve tried and just couldn’t get the hang of keeping a notebook like this, I know how highly you’ve spoken of this method for you! Their selections are beautiful, and I happen to be a notebook lover for lots of other tasks, so I may be making some purchases myself. 🙂