I am so happy to report that my kids’ reading has been pretty consistent this summer. For Kyle (age 7), he finally reached the point where he actually wanted to read. When we were at the library last week, he was so happy to find nine Geronimo Stilton books, 6 of which he hadn’t read, when in other visits he was bummed because there were none. His assessment of why there were so many books on the shelf?
Some kids just don’t know the magnificence of reading.
Dramatic much?
Yes, the colorfully typed and cheesy adventurous mouse has definitely been his go-to series for the summer. I told him that with the summer reading program winding down at our library, people probably just aren’t visiting as much. But whatever the reason, he stocked up, and knowing that means he’s more likely to pick up a book (instead of reveling in screen time, which his actions would reveal is even more “magnificent” than reading) makes me very very happy.
What about you? Have your kids discovered a new series or author this summer that has them happily sticking their nose in a book? Maybe they’ve experimented with audiobooks or ereaders. We want to hear about it! We invite bloggers to link up your posts on the 2nd Tuesday of each month and tell us what your kids have been reading. Non-bloggers can let us know what your kids recommend in the comment section, and we invite everyone to visit around. These posts are always full of great ideas!
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the cul-de-sac says
Lots of good suggestions here. Thanks for hosting!