It’s summer. Summer — as in a chance to sleep in late(ish) every once in a while, the opportunity to have days here and there with no schedule or appointments. Unfortunately summer seeped into my brain, and I completely forgot about Kids’ Picks! I remembered on Thursday afternoon, and we decided that we’d just post it a week late. I’m so sorry if you were more on the ball than I was, or if you were waiting and wondering.
So — here it is! If you published something on your site last week, go ahead and link it up. If you were just wondering what was going on, it’s not too late to write one up now. We really want to know what your kids have enjoyed during their summer reading.
If you don’t have a blog, feel free to leave a comment telling us what your children have enjoyed.
Next week is our What’s on Your Nightstand carnival (the 4th Tuesday of each month), and I promise that Kids’ Picks will be back on August 9th, and the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Don’t miss a thing: Check out our current giveaways. Subscribe to our feed or video reviews on YouTube. Follow us @5M4B on Twitter or on Facebook.
Link directly to your blog post, and include your children’s ages for ease in visiting: