Well, I said that Wednesdays would be “Wordless” and “Winning.” You’ve seen the “wordless” each week, and the winning will happen by either posting a new giveaway, giving a surprise giveaway, OR announcing the winners from the previous week.
Today, I’m going to do all three!
First, in honor of the Bloggy Giveaways carnival, I’m jumping in and offering another giveaway late in the game–a $14 amazon gift card. Why $14? Well, I recently got sent an amazon gift certificate from my associates account, and I’m going to pass it on to you. $14 is enough to buy a book, so I hope that will do. To win, simply leave a comment here and I’ll draw the winner on Friday at the conclusion of the Bloggy Giveaways carnival.
Speaking of amazon associates, as you can see, I don’t get rich from it, but if you are enjoying our site, and especially if you decide to buy a book that we’ve recommended, if you click through the link and put the item in your shopping cart on that trip, we’ll get a small little commission. I would love to be able to pass on some of these rewards in the form of prizes to you, OR in appreciation to my reviewers who are doing such a great job reviewing a wide variety of books here.
Another way you can help me is by keeping an eye on those Google ads. If I’m logged in, I don’t see them, and they change often, so if there is inappropriate content on the ads, please let me know. I need the url that is usually at the bottom of the ad to be able to block it. You can email me using the contact link above giving me the url and the company being advertised, and what offended you about the ad. I’d like to run the ads (and again, they aren’t going to make us rich either), but I don’t want to have offensive content on this family-friendly site.
Second, I’d like to reward a surprise giveaway. You all have blown me away with your excitement about this site in general, and specifically our new community events: What’s on Your Nightstand? and the Classics Bookclub. So, I am drawing from among all participants in “Nightstand” (53 when I drew) and those who left a comment on Classics Bookclub giving a suggestion for a future month, or just being excited for this month’s read of Pride and Prejudice (15 when I drew). I added them together with the Nightstand being the first 53, and used random.org where I got #21–Jen at MommaBlogsAlot.
She will win all of these books which were recently reviewed here:
Danny Gospel
From a Distance
Winter Haven
Meghan Rose
The Mommy Diaries
One 30 Minutes a Day workbook
Kung Fu Panda Fact Book and Create-a-Story
Third, to announce the winners from the last couple weeks:
#12, Corrine is the winner from the “Info and Input” post.
The 30 Minutes a Day workbook winners are: #15 #4 Amanda D., #34 Kristan, #19 Annie at Savor this Moment, #10 Jackie @ Our Moments, Our Memories, Shelia at Dodging Raindrops
#8, Cynthia is the winner of the Kung Fu Panda books.
#16, Casey is the winner of Shop Your Closet.
If you’re a winner, you should have already received an email from me (and I’ve already gotten most of your responses–thank you).
Finally–I need to ask your opinion, again. I’m rethinking the weekly participation in Wordless Wednesday and Booking Through Thursday. I like the sense of community, but since we are only posting twice a day (which I agree with), and with monthly features on Tuesday, and regular features on Thursday, Books on Screen, and Sunday, On Reading, which I don’t want to give up–we are falling short in actually publishing book reviews. So let me know your thoughts.
Remember, leave a comment before Friday afternoon if you want to be eligible to win the $14 amazon gift certificate. I’ll be happy to reward all you faithful readers out there. And if you want to try to win more stuff, click on over to Bloggy Giveaways to see the hundreds of offerings.
I’d love to win an amazon giftcard!
I am entering for my wife thanks for having the contest.
Hopefully I’m not too late! Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
tiffanyannrosson at yahoo dot com
I’d love to win! Thanks for the great contest!
I just began kindergarten homeschool with my eldest, and still have so many fun books on our Amazon.com wishlist! Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂
Pick me! Please?
I’d love to win the amazon! Thanks!
There are a couple new books that I am waiting to be released. I’d love to win.
Diamond of Darkhold by jeanne duprau would be my first purchase.
maybe i’m not too late, theres some makeup on amazon i want that i can’t buy here
I may be too late, but if not enter me
Amazon – I love it – thanks!