Picture books can serve so many purposes, from introducing simple pictures and words to the very youngest of children, to providing a context for more sophisticated and serious issues. Black Diamond & Blake, a new book by Deborah Blumenthal, certainly falls into that latter category, intended for an audience of older children. As the parent of an eight year old boy, I can give you a direct (and concise) review from my own son: “That was a GREAT story!”
Black Diamond is a star racehorse, who has become accustomed to winning and all the rewards that follow– cheering crowds, attentive caretakers and special treats. But after an accident that injures his leg, he feels the change in mood of the fickle crowds and soon finds himself being taken away from his usual stable to live in a completely new place- a prison farm. This is a story of redemption, enduring friendship and the effects that can occur from caring for another living creature. The storyline may even inspire deeper conversations between parents and children, offering an opportunity to expand on the basic themes in relation to your own family values.
Beyond the heartfelt story, the illustrations in this book deserve definite praise. Miles Hyman has created emotion-filled paintings with simple lines and warm colors that draw the reader into the story as much as the text. I feel very fortunate to have been able to share this story with my son, and I recommend it to any of you with older children as well.
Dawn needs to build more bookshelves. She can be found blogging to the sound of crickets chirping at my thoughts exactly.
I don’t generally give picture books their due, but you’re right, some of them tell an excellent story.
I just joined a book social networking website and found some interesting picture books suggestions , like Full Moon Soup. Interesting resource for anyone interested.