As the mother to three children, you could most definitely say that potty talk is big in my life. No, not the potty talk that would get you to tsk tsk me, but the actual talking about the pottying experience, of course! Having read just about every picture book that introduces the concept of ditching the diapers and becoming a Big Boy or Girl, I can honestly say that the new book by Hope Vestergaard, Potty Animals: What to Know When You’ve Gotta Go!, stands unique in the crowd.
Read my full review and enter to win a giveaway for a book and a cute character hand sanitizer over at 5 Minutes for Mom.
You can also read a fun Q & A with the author, Hope Vestergaard, and even download a poster to display for your own potty animals!
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The adventures of Dawn’s three potty animals take center stage at her blog, my thoughts exactly.
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