I always love a good travel story. Clara Bensen’s story combines travel through Eastern Europe and the UK with other interesting subtext, such as recovering from a breakdown after college, couchsurfing, and a fortuitous meeting via OKCupid.
Clara has just recovered from a “quarterlife crisis,” wondering what she should be doing, and why she’s not achieving success out there in the real world, when she joins dating site OKCupid and begins a whirlwind romance with Jeff. Not long after meeting him, she embarks on a 21 Day trip where they take only the clothes on the back and what they can carry — Jeff in his pockets, and Clara in a small purse. Traveling in this way — minimalist in planning and baggage — enables them to just experience each day without having hotel reservations requiring their presence or departure at a certain time. This became a bit of a parallel to their undefined relationship status as well.
I felt like I got an education in dating in this decade and the couchsurfing culture. I don’t know if I’ll be leaving changes of clothes behind to wander, but No Baggage did make me think about it. It definitely gave me a good dose of wanderlust.