One thing I like about listening to a book on audio is that there is often some sort of extra, like an interview with the author. When I got to the end of The American Heiress (linked to my review, and giveaway), not only was there an interview with the author Daisy Goodwin, but it’s an interview about her love of audiobooks.
Nancy and I have shared more than once about our love of audiobooks.* But to hear an author share that listening to an audiobook makes a book a completely different experience, saying so well what I try to put into words all the time, made me so happy.
I am sharing this interview with Daisy Goodwin, with permission from MacMillan Audio. If you’re a confirmed audiobook fan, you will find this interview as charming as I did, and if you aren’t, maybe she’ll convince you to take up the habit. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to listen to it and then let us know what you think.
[mc id=”16191″ type=”audio”]Author Daisy Goodwin Tells Why She Loves Audiobooks[/mc]
Whether or not you are a fan of audiobooks already, you could try one risk-free by entering to win Daisy Goodwin’s The American Heiress. Just click through and leave a comment on that post.
June is the APA Audiobook month. Although I love spreading the audiobook love all year with audiobook reviews, I’m pleased to reiterate why audiobooks are such a part of my life.
* Our previous posts about audiobooks: