My son is nine, and we are experiencing the golden years of childhood. He’s old enough to manage some things on his own, but hasn’t reached the tumult of adolescence. Sure, we have ups and downs, but as a parent, I’m really enjoying this time. In a few short years, the challenges will mount, and I am diligently working to prepare him for the temptations he is sure to face. As a reader, I gravitate towards book that will aid me in this journey, and Vicki Courtney’s new book, 5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Son is an excellent resource.
Several years ago, I reviewed Vicki Courtney’s book 5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter, and I listed it as a 5 Star Read. This book continues to hold a prominent place on my shelf, and it is one that I frequently recommend to friends. Because of my appreciation for this title, I waited with anticipation for her book relating to boys. 5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Son does not disappoint. Vicki Courtney uses research, personal experience, and scripture to develop 5 conversations that should be ongoing with our sons:
- Don’t define manhood by the culture’s wimpy standards; it’s okay to be a man!
- What you don’t learn to conquer may become your master.
- Not everyone’s doing it! (And other naked truths about sex you won’t hear in the locker room.)
- Boyhood is only for a season. P.S. It’s time to grow up!
- Godly men are in short supply—dare to become one!
What I appreciate most about this book is the author’s candidness. Vicki Courtney has two grown sons, and she spent years having these conversations with them. While research gives credence to her assertions, the examples she shares from her own family provide a blueprint for readers. Parents view many of these topics as uncomfortable, but they will be encouraged and empowered by the material presented in this book. Raising godly children is not something that happens accidentally; it takes time, perseverance, and much prayer. 5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Son is a valuable tool, and I will be rereading it many times in the coming years. I highly recommend it, and I am adding it to our 5 Star Reads. Thanks to author Vicki Courtney for sharing her insights, experience and wisdom!
Lauren is a wife, mother of two, and an avid reader. She blogs at Baseballs and Bows.
Jennifer says
Definitely sounds like a great read! I’m getting semi-used to the fact that in two months my daughter will be a teenager, but I know that these issues are coming soon with my son — my baby — and that’s harder to see as reality.