As a bibliophile, I not only take in the content of the book, but the cover, the font, the title headings etc. I don’t expect these things to differ from the norm, but when I come across a book that is exceptional in this area, I do notice it.
I suppose it only makes sense the artist Kathy Davis’ book Scatter Joy would be exceptional in appearance. It really is. Each page has parts of the text set off in an interesting way, there are pictures and squiggles on the pages. It truly adds to her message of experiencing joy through artistic expression: “Whatever from of art you are carrying in your heart, I encourage you to honor it, nurture it, and share it with others” (page 34). She goes on to explain that this form of expression can be via things you wouldn’t normally consider “art.” The interests that you have — “your thing” about which you are passionate — create the same effect as more traditional forms of artistic expression such as painting, music, or writing.
Because of these special extras, this would make a lovely gift book (perhaps as an end-of-year gift for teachers– for those of you like us who are still in school — or a Sunday School teacher). I think that my copy will stay in my guest room to brighten my visitors’ stay.
Scatter Joy tells about Kathy’s experience of stepping out and forming her own business in 1990. Among other things (many other things), Kathy designs greeting cards (Enter to win a set for yourself at 5 Minutes for Giveaways). Kathy’s story will inspire anyone who has ever wondered, “Could I? Should I?”
Each chapter includes simple tips for scattering joy or finding joy — in the morning, in the evening, at work, by performing random acts of kindness, or having gratitude. The suggestions are nothing earth-shattering (Watch a favorite show; Phone a friend), but I think that the simplicity works. Imagine if you actually did these things instead of just complaining? They are simple enough that you could resolve to add these things into the different parts of your life. The chapters end with “something to think about.” This short question would be great way to follow-up with a friend — to encourage each other to begin to search for joy in your life or scatter it in someone else’s.
Read more inspiring thoughts, or share your own inspirational stories, videos, and photos at
If you’d like t win a copy of this book (U.S. residents only), leave a comment. This giveaway will be open two weeks, and we will post the winner on June 24.
Also remember to enter out the Scatter Joy greeting card giveaway at 5 Minutes for Giveaways.
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Managing Editor Jennifer Donovan also blogs at Snapshot about life with her tween daughter and her preschool son.
Gabriel J. says
Great book, great contest!
Sharon A says
Thanks for your review. This sounds like a must read.
Mozi Esmes Mommy says
This looks so inspirational! I’m inspired just reading the review…
Daniel M says
looks great would love to read
Moe' says
This looks like a fun book. I’d like to be able to scatter more joy in my life.
Susan says
I would love to read and share this. Thanks!
kathy davis says
Thanks, Jennifer for the wonderful review! I hope that my book does its job scattering joy!
bridget3420 says
Count me in:)
Jennifer Hedden says
enter me
Christine Walker says
This looks great! Thanks for the giveaway.
Erma says
I would love this book.
Lisa Taylor says
I would love to read this
shawna says
Sounds like a great read!
victoria lynch says
This looks like a very uplifting book that I would love to read and pass on to a friend
Marie says
This looks like a neat book!
Ed Nemmers says
Happy Monday!
Donna Turner says
This book sounds interesting. I like books that are a little different.
Princess08181985 (@)
Dolores J Olsen says
I need this book for myself. I want to be this kind of person
Chrysa says
Looks great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Chrysa says
I’m following you on Twitter. (My Twitter name is @ThriftyJinxy)
Collin Barrett says
I want one!
Janice says
Scatterjoy looks great.
Barbara Rawe says
This book will definitely lift my spirits and hopefully help in these trying times. Thanks.
Heather C says
I like the sound of this. Count me in!
Elizabeth says
I would love to read this!
Selinda McCumbers says
Sounds interesting!
Miranda Allen says
looks like a great read
Lily Kwan says
Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!
kathy pease says
Thanks for the GREAT giveaway
please count me in 🙂
Betty C says
I’d love to read it.
c. flanigan says
this books sounds so interesting…please enter me!