Have you heard of The Elf on the Shelf? Last year a few people I knew had them and they swore by them – their kids’ behavior improved vastly in the weeks leading up to Christmas. So a couple of months ago I picked one up, intending to pull it out on Thanksgiving. Of course I forgot about it, but did manage to remember in time for bed Sunday night. I wish I had remembered on Thanksgiving because I bet I would have yelled a lot less over the long weekend!
The Elf on the Shelf is a book accompanied by an elf doll. The elf, who is named by the kids, is put on a shelf somewhere in the house. At night, the elf goes to the North Pole and tells Santa all about what happened during the day, both good behavior and bad. He returns before morning, landing in a new spot in the house. The only rule is no touching allowed or the magic will go away. At Christmas the elf returns to the North Pole until the next year.
Both boys were highly intrigued by The Elf on the Shelf. Alex (7) immediately started reading the book while Zach (4) hugged and played with the doll. They named him Elfin and we put him on the computer desk in the loft where we were reading. His magic worked immediately; as soon as the book was done and the boys understood the concept, Alex said he was going right to bed. Zach protested, requesting another book, but when I said the elf would give a good report to Santa on Alex but a bad one for Zach, he quickly changed his mind and darted to his bed. He then totally shocked me by bursting into tears, which I was assumed was because he wanted another book, but it was because he was going to miss the elf!
So far Elfin is working pretty well. A quick reminder that Elfin is watching is enough to get those shoes put on right away or breakfast dishes put in the sink. On the other hand, Zach is having a hard time not touching Elfin, requiring him to land in a spot out of reach, and Alex is very concerned about what will happen when we go to New Jersey. We have to write Santa a letter to let him know that we’ll be in New Jersey for Christmas, so we’ll make sure to tell him to send Elfin there.
I’m not sure how long Elfin’s magic will last so we’ll see if he’s still working in a couple of weeks. But for now the boys are mindful of their behavior so I’ll enjoy it will I can.
Nancy loves all things Christmas. She writes about her 2 boys and life in Colorado at Life With My Boys.
I’d seen this around but I had NO idea what it was about. Thanks for the heads up!
Alas, that Elfin magic came to an end yesterday. We LOVE “Charlie,” and have now morphed his moves into a family game. Still, it is a milestone I wasn’t ready for.
I think I need one of these in my home. LOL
must look at this online for more