Now is the time for you to let other bloggers (and readers web-wide) know what you’ve picked up at the recommendation of someone else. If a blogger wrote a review that made you run to the library or the bookstore, write up your own review, and give credit to the original blogger if you can remember who it was.
If you’ve reviewed books throughout the month that someone recommended, you can write an “I Read It” post that has links back to the books you’ve read and post that up (pointing your readers to this link-up so that they can find other reviews), or you can just link those reviews up.
We don’t want you to link up all your book reviews, just those that you made a mention of who made you read it. I think that this is the reason that most of us follow other readers — bloggers who read and review and recommend — because we learn to trust the recommendations of others. Sometimes we’ll disagree, and that’s okay too.
If you read a book that we reviewed here at 5 Minutes for Books and have a different take on it — we’d especially love to hear it!
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