Editor’s Note: One of the perks of having a mom who is a book reviewer is being able to dig into her stash. Occasionally our kids get to the books before we do, and then we sometimes actualy never get to them. In this case, we ask them to write up the review.
So there’s this girl named Daisy. She’s on this drug called Revive (see how that ties into the title? Sorry, didn’t know if you caught that). Daisy is 15, and is basically a nomad, because every time she is revived she has to move so that no one will recognize her. When she was a small child she died in an accident and was brought back to life by this drug called Revive (see kids, drugs are good for you!). It’s a top secret government project, and she is being raised by two government agents. But then she moves to Omaha, Nebraska, and meets Matt and Audrey who become her new BFFs. Sorry to leave you at a cliff hanger but don’t worry she does NOT fall in love with Matt and end up saving the day. Actually she does. Never mind.
I loved Revived. It was a creative read and had some interesting twists. (Never would’ve guessed she’d go for Matt.) I think the character was pretty realistic and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and not only because it gave me something to do besides study for my math test. In fact, I’ve already read it three times. I especially could sympathize with the constant moving and having cute guys fall in love with me, though not so much being brought back to life with a secret government drug. That’s still on my To-Do list.
Elizabeth’s daughter Ilsa, age 15, loves to read and write snarky reviews for her mother. And yes, they’ve moved a lot. Learn more at Elizabeth’s blog Planet Nomad.
Jennifer says
What a delightful review. I think that Elizabeth has her hands full with all the wit and wisdom that seems to exist in her home.
Nancy says
I think Ilsa should guest review more often. 🙂
edj says
Hands full is right, Jennifer. And Nancy, I do try. I’m tempted not to share these comments with her (wisdom, J? really?) since I’m afraid it’ll go to her head, but I will. 😉