Well thanks to Carrie for the reminder that today was the 4th Tuesday (actually, she reminded me yesterday, so we’re on time and everything!). I’ve been in a whirlwind of activity the last two weeks. I have been reading some — in fact I enjoyed a couple of hours of reading therapy Saturday, reading a novel by the pool in an effort to purposefully decompress, and it worked!
That said, I don’t have the time to write up my own Nightstand post, but I’m looking forward to reading some of yours.
So go ahead and tell us how your summer reading is going. Write up a post telling us the books that you just finished, or the books that you plan to read this month.
Barbara H. says
Months with five Tuesdays always throw me off, too, in regard to the Nightstand posts, but thankfully it did hit me a few days ago that the fourth Tuesday was coming up.
Lisa of Hopewell says
Nice list this month. Back to normal.
Dawn St Amand Paoletta says
Phew! Summer is like that, right? Anyway I will be catching up between beachy type activity BUT look forward to reading all of the great posts here per usual. Happy Summer and READING! THanks for all, Jennifer!
Kara says
I’m a day late but still linking up! My first link isn’t right…my brain is still a bit addled. Sorry about that! Thanks for hosting, as always! 🙂