He’s ba-ack. Yes, the little squirrel who is a little fearful about trying new things is back with an all new obstacle to hurdle. He’s tackled getting out of his tree, making a friend, going to the beach, and nightmares. With those fears conquered, he’s decided to have a birthday party.
At first, he decides that he’s just going to invite one person — himself — because he can manage that. But then he gets an early birthday card from his friend Buddy the dog (star my very favorite book in the series Scary Squirrel Makes a Friend), and decides that he would like to invite his friend. Because he’s inviting a friend, he needs to be prepared with good conversation starters to use and not so good ones to avoid (like suggesting a breath mint). It’s funny, but honestly as a parent, I try to coach my kids in how to make and develop friendships all the time, and the idea is a valid one.
Scaredy Squirrel Has a Birthday Party by Melanie Watt brings us more of Scaredy’s delightful humor and fearful bravery. The formula is exactly the same as in the previous four books, but I haven’t tired of it at all. Why fix what isn’t broken?
I’m going to have to give Scaredy Squirrel and his creator Melanie Watt a spot on our 5 Star Reads list with this one.
Jennifer Donovan loves to hear her children laugh, and Scaredy Squirrel does the trick. She blogs at Snapshot.
Lisa Marie Mary says
The name alone pulled me in, from your tweet – sounded totally cute! But wow – what a GREAT series of books! They sound awesome!
Jennifer says
Thanks! Yes, totally great, and so relevant to young kids.
People even give the original one (about just being afraid to go out into the world) as Graduation gifts.
Lisa Marie Mary says
Oh the graduation idea is a wonderful idea! I love it!!!! (I have a 12th grader next year, too!)
Lisa Marie Mary says
I need the Scaredy Squirrel Mama Lets Her Firstborn Go book! Haha!
Carrie, Reading to Know says
Congratulations. =D I know how much you all love these books!
Jennifer says
Yeah — Scaredy Squirrel is my Facebook friend, and I saw something about it a few weeks ago, and I thought, “How could I not know that a new one is coming out???”
I remedied that quickly.
Dawn says
I know Scaredy Squirrel holds a special place in your heart, and I have to agree that he’s an adorable and lovable character! Looking forward to finding this one at the library. 🙂
Nancy says
I had the same reaction when I saw that Scaredy had a new book coming out! And imagine my chagrin when I found that my library didn’t even have it in their database, so I requested they purchase it. I just checked again and they finally ordered it, though it’s not in yet. I’m on the list though for when it does come in.
Erin says
Thanks for the great review and support for Scaredy Squirrel!
Kids Can Press
debi jackson says
Thanks for the great review and giveaway.