Do you have a teen in your life who’s intimidated by Bible study? If so, The Bare Bones Bible® Handbook for Teens: Getting to Know Every Book in the Bible by Jim George could change that.
George, author of The Bare Bones Bible® Handbook: 10 Minutes to Understanding Each Book of the Bible has gone a step further and made the Bible easy for teens to understand.
For each book of the Bible, he gives general information (i.e. theme, date written, author, and setting), as well as the “skeleton” (chapter summaries). He “puts meat on the bones” by giving an overall summary of what happened in the book, and tells kids how to “flesh it out in their own lives” (life application). Finally, he gives life lessons and a “where to find it” section for each book.
The Bare Bones Bible® Handbook for Teens: Getting to Know Every Book in the Bible is a fantastic resource for teens (and adults) who long to know more about God’s Word.
Melissa has been captivated by books for as long as she can remember. She resides in Virginia and at her blog, Breath of Life.