Is your weather turning cooler? Does that invite you to spend more time curled up with a book and a cup of tea? We’ve had about three hours of Fall here in Texas, but for one reason or another, I’ve spent several days over the last couple of weeks curled up with a book or two.
I’ve decided I’m pretty hopeless at listing what I might read in any given month (or being organized enough to keep up with my deadlines so that I can accurately predict what I might read), but I’m a reader, not a analyzer. I know some of you may be both, but me — I play fast and loose with my to-be-read pile.
Now that I’ve subjected you to my Nightstand treatise, get me back by posting your own and linking up below, or even if you don’t do that, find out more about the inner workings of the bookworm mind by visiting around some of the others.
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